Friday, June 28, 2013

Here's an update!

Well, I've done quite a lot of realistic photos lately. Here's a link to all the ones I've done:

Also, I'm adding a Q&A page, where you can ask model horse related questions and we'll post them with a answer.

Nothing much else. Please let us know what we can do to make this blog considerably less boring. :)

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Yet another horse is painted

I seem to be on a horse-painting spree today.

More model horse painting!

This is my cat, Harlequin as a horse :)

Here's Harlequin

This is a horse that I have had for a while. Before painting him he was just plain old white.

And here's one I did a while ago:
Yeah, I know you can't see him too well in that, but he's chestnut with two socks and a stripe. ;)

Also, I did end up getting a DeviantArt Account. These pretties will be there.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wild Blue: Realistic Photo

Came out a little blurry, but anyone think I should get an account on DeviantArt and publish these? If anyone eve really reads this...

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Weird Breyer

So weird and fuzzy. How do I know it's a breyer? I recognize the mold... I have one in that mold.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Realistic Breyer Photography


Brookside Pink Magnum (Chupecabra):

 Gold Coast:

 Noche Buuena:

 Snow Princess:

Saturday, June 8, 2013


Got Wild Blue this week! She's really pretty and the book is great, too!

Also, my friend gave me this tiny model horse (2 inches from nose to tail) who I repainted. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Just had to post this picture

I got breyer Megan (the dressage rider) today. Also, made a wagon for my Paint Your Own Breyer, who I named Sparkle Twinkle Moonshine (yes, I know, silly name) but just Sparkle for short.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Paint your own breyer

I got a paint your own breyer. She's very small, but I still like her. What do you think? She's a paint by number type thing, but I ignored the numbers. Oh well. :)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Cool halter for Gold Coast

Made a cool halter for Gold Coast. (She's my newest breyer. I just got her Tuesday.) It's made with duct tape, little rings and a piece of a pipe cleaner.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

My breyers

I use my breyers for gentle play. I love to make tack for them, make breyer movies with them, take pictures of them and just plain old play with them.

My breyers:

Snow Princess, my first breyer and lead mare of my herd:
She is the 2006 holiday horse.

Noche Buena, lead stallion of the herd, 2012 holiday horse

Gold Coast

I have some others who I will add in later. :)

Welcome to the breyer blog

Welcome to The Breyer Blog (Yes, I know, I'm terrible at making up titles. xD). This blog will be all about breyers. That means ideas for playing with them, making stuff for them, all that good stuff. Maybe it should be called 1000 uses for breyer horses. Maybe it is by the time you're reading this. Anyway, getting off track. The point is, it's a blog about breyers and it's going to be really awesome. :D