Fun stuff with breyers

Fun stuff to do with breyers

If you play with breyers, here are some activity ideas you might enjoy. It's a growing list...

1. Tack Making
I find that making tack for breyers is really awesome. It's fun, creative, and saves you money if you were planning to buy tack. I mean, really. $30.00 or more for a tack set? It's just so much cheaper and more fun to make your own.

2. Breyer Movies
Making breyer movies is fun. You can do stop-motions or regular videos. I like to do both. You can make up stories for your breyers to act out, or you can do a breyer version of something, for example, Breyer harry potter or breyer hunger games.

3. Breyer Photography
It's pretty fun, in my opinion, to take pictures of breyers that make the breyer look like a real horse. 

4. Breyer play-dates
It is more fun than you would think to play breyers with a friend who also collects breyers. I do this at least once a week.

5. Breyer competitions
Have your breyer compete against eachother in horse shows. You can make jumps, ground poles, cavaletties (could someone tell me how to spell that? xD), starting gates, barrels and other obstacles with things such as blocks, pencils, rocks, sticks, cups, medicine bottles, Popsicle sticks and all that sort of stuff. 

6. Breyer stable
Playing Breyer stable is in the same category as breyer competitions. If you have a stable for breyers, you can use that, but if you don't because you're parents aren't millionaires (lol JK), you can make stalls out of cardboard boxes, Popsicle sticks and hot glue, wooden blocks, stuff you find outside... the point is you can make your own and it's fun. ;)

7. Breyer Painting
If you have a Paint Your Own Breyer kit or intend on re-painting a run-down model horse, you're in for some fun. If you've go a paint your own breyer kit, all you have to do is get a cup of water to rinse your brush with and buckle down and get painting. If you want to re-paint a model horse, you probably want to sand it down first. This is done by rubbing it with sand paper. Easy enough, right? It's like giving a model horse life!

More soon...

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